Now, this is another personal and a big one at that. This project was planned to be a community made game and was planned to include multiple people working on it, from programmers to animators and 3D artists but as pretty much as all community projects, people quickly faded away and I was left alone with a friend who was working on character models, so it became another one of those projects too big to do. Still, I took the idea and developed it for some time, working in the GDD and figuring out the gameplay pillars based on what could be achieved with a really small team, gathering references, making some concepts and prototyping the level and environment in Unreal. Right now this project is on hold, but I expect to resume work on it in the future as I quite like the main concept.

Quick description: A narrative driven first person thriller / horror / adventure game with puzzle elements. A detective explores a seemingly abandoned mansion, where disturbing rumours have originated from and quickly discovers that there is a lot more to it. It has a secret facility below where all kind of experiments were  made, one of them being a sentient AI who killed dozens of scientists 30 years ago, forcing the government to seal the place.
Some images  and evolution of the project
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Guard Building
Second iteration - mansion prototype
Second iteration - mansion prototype
Second iteration - mansion prototype
Second iteration - mansion prototype
Second iteration - mansion prototype
Second iteration - mansion prototype
Puzzle - Organ concept
Puzzle - Organ concept
Third iteration - mansion prototype
Third iteration - mansion prototype
Third iteration - mansion prototype
Third iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - Map overview
Fourth iteration - Map overview
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype
Fourth iteration - mansion prototype

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